Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eggplant Side Dish

Eggplant Side Dish

Preperation 30 minutes

Serves 4

This recipe is so simple and makes a wonderful side dish.


  • 2 round eggplants
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • oilve oil
  • 1 small can of diced tomatoes
  • 3 leaves of basil
  • 1 dash of dried origano
  • salt and pepper

Heat up skillet o medium heat with olive oil and add thinly sliced garlic, whilethe skillet is heating up slice eggplants into small cubes and add to the skillet. Add salt and pepper then add one can of diced tomatoes.Slice the basil leaves then add them to the eggplant and also a dash of origano. Cover the skilett and cook on low heat till eggplants are soft ( about 15 minutes).

Serve on a platter.

This can be served hot or cold.

Makes wonderful Bruschetta Topping as well.

Kick it up a bit by adding sliced ham to the eggplant.

Ideal to serve on top of grilled chicken

Bon Appetite!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pinwheel Frittata

Pinwheel Frittata

Preperation 20- 25 minutes

Refrigeration 1 hour or more

Serves 4-6


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon parmiggiano cheese
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 basil leaves
  • 3 slices of mild provolone cheese
  • 3 slices of ham
  • salt

Warm up a skillet on high heat and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to the skillet. Meanwhile beat 6 eggs, with salt and parmiggiano reggiano cheese. Once skillet is hot , lower the flame to medium, then place eggs in skillet as if you are making an omelete, cook for at least 3 minutes then flip the omelete and allow to cook the other side for an additional 3 minutes.

Once the frittata is cooked place on a dish and let is cool for about 15 minutes. Once the frittata has cooled down, place 3 slices of ham in the center of the frittata, then place the basil leaves on top of the ham and finish by topping the basil with the mild provolone.

Roll the frittata into a log and wrap the log in alluminum foil and refregirate for at least one hour.

This dish can be made a day a ahead, the more you keep it refrigerated the tastier.

Before you are ready to serve it: remove the frittata from the alluminum foil and place on on slicing board and diagonally cut out about 1 1/2 - 2 inch slices and place them on a serving plate. Slices will look similar to a pinwheel.

A side salad is ideal for this refreshing and tasty meal. You can also top a salad with 3- 4 pinwheel slices. Makes a great appetizer too.

A very colorful dish to share with family and friends